Am 22. April 2024 organisierten SentiSquare und IXPERTA eine Konferenz über KI in der Kundenkommunikation in Bratislava. In der schönen industriellen Umgebung der Jurkovičova Teplárna begrüßten wir Vertreter von Contact Centern, Kundensupport- und Datenanalyse- Abteilungen. Hierbei wurde die No-Code NLP-Plattform von SentiSquare zum ersten Mal in der Slowakei vorgestellt.
The lectures were designed to cover both theory and practical demonstrations. They were beneficial not only for managers taking care of contact centre operations but also for data analysts who process and evaluate unstructured information. The SentiSquare No-Code Platform is the ideal tool for such analyses. It was presented at the conference by one of our colleagues, Pavel Novotný, who prepared a practical demonstration of how the platform works. This followed a theoretical lecture by SentiSquare CEO Tomáš Brychcín, who spoke about language models and distributional semantics. These are the basic principles of the No-Code NLP Platform.
There was also time for questions in between lectures, of which there were many. For example, we gave our answer on whether coaching or prompting is preferable. We also explained the difference between large AI models and the SentiSquare No-Code Platform.
Thanks to all participants for their interest and activity. We believe that everyone took something away from the lectures on efficient and safe AI with a high success rate – and not only theoretical knowledge but also suggestions on how to use AI in practice and make your work more efficient.
For those of you who couldn’t make it to the conference, we have good news – we’ll be back in Bratislava soon to present even more interesting and useful topics. To ensure you don’t miss any information about all our upcoming events, we recommend following our LinkedIn profile, We look forward to meeting you!