Die ACL -Konferenz ist die Nr. 1 -Konferenz im Bereich NLP (natürliche Sprachverarbeitung). Es wird von Apple, Facebook AI, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, IBM und anderen multinationalen IT -Unternehmen gesponsert. In diesem Jahr dienten Mitglieder des SentiSquare NLP -Teams als Rezensenten von wissenschaftlichen Papieren für diese Konferenz.
Many groundbreaking ideas in the field of NLP have been published at the ACL conference in past years. For scientists working with NLP, the conference is the most important event of the year. This joint conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021) was held virtually this year from August 1-6.
The importance and scope of the conference are illustrated by the so-called “H5-index”. As you can see in the list of NLP conferences ranked according to the H5-index, the ACL conference is at the top. The H5-index is the h-index for papers published in the last 5 years, where the h-number is a number that shows that h articles published between 2016 and 2020 each have at least h citations. ACL has 157 of them. This means that in the last 5 years, ACL has published 157 articles, each of which has at least 157 citations. And that’s really saying something.
The quality of the reviews directly affects the quality of the conference and ensures the quality of the final program. Given the importance of review quality and the significant increase in the number of submissions, this work is very important.
It’s a great honor for our team to participate in the conference and to contribute by reviewing papers. The opportunity to work for the ACL conference is not a common thing, rather it’s a massive achievement, backed by hours and hours of research work. It’s also significant recognition of our scientific work.
In addition to this year’s reviews for ACL, the NLP team from SentiSquare also publishes papers at almost every NLP conference listed above. These include ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, COLING, LREC, EACL, SemEval, and others.
Thanks to the scientific work of our NLP team, led by Tomáš Brychcín, we are at the forefront of the field of natural language processing and are contributing to its development ourselves.
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