SentiSquare veranstaltete eine Expertenkonferenz - “Anrufbewertung mit Hilfe von KI”

Am 25. Juni 2024 organisierten wir im Impact Hub in Prag gemeinsam mit unserem Partner Phonexia, Profis in Sprachtechnologien, eine Fachkonferenz über Innovationen und Methoden zur Bewertung von Anrufen mit Hilfe von KI. An der Veranstaltung nahmen Vertreter von Call-Centern, Telesales-Abteilungen oder des Kunden-Supports, sowie andere KI-Technologie-Enthusiasten teil.

The speakers presented the theoretical basics, complemented by practical examples.The first speaker was Jan Pavlík, Global Sales Manager at Phonexia, who lectured on speech technologies and how to use them to solve various challenges across different sectors – from call centres to security information units and prisons. Sentisquare CEO Tomáš Brychcín then introduced our No-Code NLP Platform known for its cutting-edge analytics and the ability to process unstructured text data. He revealed to conference attendees the power of AI in understanding and evaluating call transcripts. Finally, Otto Krejci, Director of B2M.CZ, representing the ePoptávka project, which uses Phonexia and SentiSquare technologies to evaluate sales calls and measure agent performance, took the floor. The presentation included a practical demonstration of the application of both companies’ technologies. The conference programme also allowed time for questions from the attendees. And a diverse catering layout was included, which we enjoyed together during the final networking session.

The audience was enriched by a number of insights about trends in AI-assisted call evaluation and other topics. First of all, they learned how AI will give them a competitive advantage, improve the performance of their contact centre agents, and increase customer satisfaction.

We thank our partners Phonexia and B2M.CZ for their hands-on demonstration showing how they work with the outputs from the SentiSquare No-Code NLP Platform. However, a ‘thank-you’ also belongs to the audience for their ample participation and co-creating such a pleasant atmosphere.

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